Southern Recipes

zucchini frittersSimpson’s Zucchini Fritters

This is a favorite for my family. Zucchini is such a great vegetable to cook with and it goes with everything. This recipe is so simple to prepare and everyone will love the small fritters. You can make a BBQ sauce to dip them in or make a homemade gravy to serve over the top. My family loves these fritters instead of fried potatoes. Next time you are looking for something different and don’t want to make french fries or fried potatoes give this recipe a try………..Read More……….

cheesy potato casserole Aunt Nell’s Cheesy Potato Casserole

When Aunt Nell use to come to visit she always prepared her cheesy potato casserole for the family. This was a delight with the mild taste of cheese, spices, and cream that she added to her casserole. We normally ate this when my Grandpa would throw a giant rack of ribs on the BBQ for dinner. Grandma would make her coleslaw and we’d have a wonderful feast that evening. When our neighbors knew Aunt Nell was visiting, everyone showed up for dinner that night……….Read More……….

blackeyed peasHoppin’ John

This is a favorite here in Texas. Many cold winters’ night my Grandma would make up a large pot of black-eyed peas and cornbread. Grandma always would cook black-eyed peas on New Year’s day. She uses to say a new year needed to be started with a big pot of black-eyed peas and cornbread. We have always followed this tradition in our home and invite all our friends to join us. So next year, why not invite your friends and start it off right with a giant pot of Hoppin’ John………..Read More……….

lima beans and baconSouthern Style Lima Bean & Bacon Bake

There are times you are looking for a good old fashion southern meal you can cook your family for dinner. This is an excellent choice if you serve it with fresh hot cornbread and a nice tossed salad. This dish is also great to take to potlucks or even an office party. You can also cook this with BBQ ribs and add a salad to top off your meal………..Read More……….

turnip radish plate.Southern Style Cheesy Stuffed Turnips

One thing they love in Texas is the turnips and turnip green. Grandma uses to love to prepare this dish during the summer months. She made a turnip style gravy to go over the top of the stuffed turnips when they came out of the oven.  She would serve this at night with ham or pork chops. I am not a fan of turnips, but this wasn’t bad with the cheese in the middle and topped off with her gravy………..Read More……….

fried okra 1Simpson’s Famous Fried Okra

During the summer we had plenty of okra growing in the garden. Grandma loved her okra and especially when it was fried. When I was younger, I use to not like to eat fried okra and when I knew we were having this for dinner, I sneak out and pick all the fresh fruit I could find to eat before dinner. However, as I grew older, fried okra became one of the dishes I learned to love………..Read More………

1107776325_739526fcb3_zSimpson’s Stewed Okra and Tomatoes

We always had a lot of okra growing around the farm in the summer. Grandma loved okra and knew how to cook it so many different ways. When you went to visit grandma you had to learn to eat your veggies at every meal. There are still a few I don’t eat to this day. However, okra became one I loved and still cook at home. I love adding okra to my stir fries and it gives them such a good flavor………..Read More……….

tamale pie 1Grandma’s Hot & Spicy Cornbread

Grandma’s cornbread dinner was always a big hit. This meal had a very spicy flavor and mixed with the cornbread made an excellent dinner. Every summer grandma grew jalapenos in her garden and canned them for winter. She preferred to use all her home canned ingredients when she cooked and hated to go to the market to buy any canned foods. Each summer she stocked her cellar full of canned vegetables, jellies, and jams for the winter months………..Read More……….

chicken fried steakGrandma’s Chicken Fried Steak

Grandma loved to cook chicken fried steak every now and then. If he wasn’t frying up her delicious chicken, she’d be frying up her chicken fried steak. Whenever she decided to make this, I’d have to help out in the kitchen peeling a ton of potatoes so she could boil them up to make mashed potatoes. She’d normally pick a few dozen ears of fresh corn to serve alongside the chicken fried steak, gravy, and mashed potatoes. This was always a good old country meal that she loved to cook. One thing I have always wondered is why people called this meal chicken fried steak. It never tasted like chicken to me and I really wasn’t a big fan of meat. But this steak was tender and it was delicious when grandma cooked it………..Read More……….