Best Texan Recipes

Corn Chowder Bread BowlTexas Corn Chowder

The Texan corn chowder is a favorite of many farm hands here in Texas. This is a healthy, hearty meal and is excellent in the cooler months of the year. After working on the ranch or in the fields all day, the men love to come home to a hot bowl of Texas corn chowder served with a batch of cornbread or a loaf of piping hot homemade bread………..Read More……….

cabbage dishTexan Scalloped Cabbage

Scalloped Cabbage is another favorite here in Texas. This is a great side dish to serve with a rack of BBQ ribs, chicken or even pork. It is easy to prepare and everyone loves the cheesy flavor of the cabbage. This is a great side dish to take to a pot luck or even serve this at lunch with a sandwich………..Read More……….

green beand and potatoesTexan Ranch Green Beans and Potatoes

This is a great recipe to serve with any BBQ dish you are preparing. I have taken this to many potlucks and served it for lunch or dinner. This makes a great side dish or any meal. During the summer months when the tomatoes are coming in, I add some diced tomatoes to this recipe when I add the potatoes. You can experiment and add other vegetables if you choose. ………..Read More……….

zucchini-parmesan 1Texan Zucchini Casserole

If you’re wondering what type of a vegetable to serve with BBQ chicken, ribs or pork, try this Tenan Zucchini casserole. It is easy to prepare ahead of time and leave in your refrigerator until you are ready to cook. While your ribs, chicken, steak, or fish are cooking on the BBQ, just heat up the oven and toss this in. This is a healthy side dish to serve with any meal………..Read More……….

8343754211_fe97f02da5_zTexan Spicy Black Eyed Peas & Sausage

This dish was a ranch hand delight after a hard day in the field picking cotton, fixing fences, or plowing the fields. The men would come dragging in at night, shower and head to the table. Grandma had prepared a nice batch of cornbread, some of her famous coleslaw and a giant pot of spicy black-eyed peas and sausage. When the guys saw this at night they dug right in and you didn’t hear much talking at the table that night…………Read More.………

cooked red cabbageTexan Baked Creamy Cabbage

Grandma loved to serve a cabbage dish with her pork chops. She always made her famous homemade applesauce to go along with the meal. This was served with a loaf or two of homemade bread. Everyone loved this meal and seemed to top their pork chops off with a heaping spoon of homemade applesauce…………Read More……….

texan chilieTexans Red Hot Nightmare

Texas is famous for its Chili and bean cook-offs during the summer month of the Country Fair. Chili cook-offs were one of the highlights in Roby Texas. Everyone came from miles around to show off their Chili recipes. Some say Texan’s forget to add beans to their Chili not this crowd. My grandma, uncle Pat, and Uncle Joe spent 1 month perfecting this recipe to enter the chili cook-off. This year they won first place for their chili…………Read More.……….

beef chiliUncle John’s Award Winning Chili

It was a tradition in Texas to go to the chili cook-off and spend the day socializing with everyone while the men stood over their small cooking stove and tried to cook the best chili ever. Grandma, Aunt Nell and Aunt Judy would spend the morning making sandwiches, potato salads, cakes, and cookies for the event. Uncle John and grandpa would be up early packing the old farm truck with tables, a tent, a cooking stove, and a giant ice chest filled with all their secret chili ingredients. A few days before the event you’d find Uncle John and grandpa out in the pasture choosing the biggest, fattest cow to butcher. They wanted to make sure they had the best cuts of meat for the cook-off. This recipe has been cut down so anyone can make it at home………..Read More……….

BBQ PorkGrandpa’s Famous BBQ Pork Shoulder Steaks

Grandpa loved grilling and cooking outside during the summer months. This helped to keep the house a bit cooler and grandma didn’t need to stand over the hot stove all day canning and cooking dinner in the evening. I loved the smell of the BBQ and would spend hours on end helping grandpa prepare the old drum he had made into a BBQ. There were times that we had so many people for dinner on the farm that grandpa would need to fire up two large drums to cook enough food to feed them all. When grandpa cooked the pork shoulder steaks on the grill everyone loved the seasonings he added to the meat. This is an excellent rub to add to pork………..Read More.………

spicy chicken and sausageTexan Spicy Chicken and Sausage  

From time to time grandma loved to make a very spicy chicken, sausage and rice dish for dinner. This was a fantastic meal and it was all cooked in a single cast iron skillet. Later on, I would experiment with this dish and found out it was excellent if you replaced the chicken and used shrimp instead. One time I was visiting New Orleans and they served this same meal. At this time they called it Jumbalaya. It reminded me so much of how grandma cooked her spicy chicken and sausage dish………..Read More.……….